
I was born and raised in the municipality of Morazán, Yoro. As a child, I dreamed of having many dolls, and above all that I dreamed that one day, I would be at Disney with Donald Duck. It was just a dream because there was a lot of poverty and need in my home. Coming to the United States was like climbing a very high mountain, it was impossible in my mind as a child. I grew up defying many obstacles in life. My dreams as a child were forgotten and as I grew older. Those dreams were replaced by new ideas and goals.
In 1995, I traveled to the United States with my daughter Carolina, who was a teenager at the time. I have to face challenges such as language, culture, legal status to name a few. I got married a year after my arrival and started a nice family. In the year 1998, Victoria my youngest daughter was born. My sweet girl was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome years later. William Syndrome is a cognitive disability she will live with for a lifetime. In 2011, an unexpected divorce came and this was a devastating experience but at the same time and opportunity to know more about the True God, who can do everything.
In 2014 I made a trip to my country and it was during that trip that I became “pregnant with a dream.” I returned to the United States with a different perspective on the approach to my life. I felt that a call from God had arisen within me to do something that would strike not only my understanding but many around me. I knew the task would not be easy, but I also knew that when God gives you a dream, he will fulfill it. He opens doors and provides resources.
I began to dream of a generation of children who were transformed by the power of God’s word. I began to invest my thoughts, prayers, and a few resources in the realization of my dream. I also began to share the dream with my family, friends, and my church family. I invited many to be part of the dream but I received many “no” for an answer. There were many moments when I felt alone as if trying to fill the vast sea with a drop of water. Many times I asked the Lord if he was really involved in this matter. Everything seemed difficult and impossible but still, I did not give up. I believe God and saw his hand of love, mercy, and power as he put people in my path who would embrace the vision.
My friend and spiritual daughter Isela Mcdaniel were the first to support me. Then my friend and fellow pastor Marvin Padilla joined the vision. At the same time, my beloved sister Albita Mendoza, who has been my strong supporter, joined the vision in Honduras. Pastor Miguel Ramos in the Morazán Yoro area, my beloved brother Carlos Roberto and his beautiful wife Danelly. Finally, I had the blessing that my great friend and sister in Christ María Spears joined as a collaborator and part of the work team.
I am convinced that God’s love has no limits and it is for this reason that He inspired us to call our foundation Love Without Limits / Legacy for generations. We are walking towards an objective and that is to establish a physical place for the Foundation in Morazán Yoro. I know that all dreams are achieved by the hand of God. The help of my work team and the volunteers that will be joining will make, Love without limits foundation an impact on future generations.
I am grateful to God, for the achievements, for gifting me a grandson, and for all those who have believed that the Lord gave me Unlimited Love as a vision of his kingdom.